Where The Joke Is

To see things clearer, you sometimes have to move and try to look at it in a different perspective. To simplify things, you should take away all the complex ideas and stick to the basics. Finally, to fully amuse yourself in a comedy, you should know where the joke is.

I watched the two of them in a different perspective to see the better view. At first their situation feels so romantic and ideal but tragic at the same time. There's the woman who has been with her man for the longest time but one day another man came along breaking the monotony and then they fell for each other... in a wrong time and situation. Their love for each other is at the purest state of emotion i.e. being amoral - neither wrong nor right. The woman tried her best to keep their company without crossing the line. The man tried to do the same making himself believe that his idealism and romanticism will bring a newer light to things. However, no matter how pure and innocent their affection for each other is, the woman chose to do the right thing and gave in to social norms of being faithful to your partner. They part way, and the man, despite the fact of being devastated, chose to give in and just tried to be happy for what the woman has chosen - a happy and not complicated life with the man she has always been.

Looking from a different and more realistic view, their story isn't far from any typical story that has already been told before. She was just a girl who has been in-love with a boy, their relationship had a dull moment and that's when the idiotically romantic kid came to play, they had good times being all cheesy and shit, but the girl snapped out, went back to her reality and that was it. The idiot was then left contemplating what went wrong, and being the idiot that he is, he failed to realise that it was pointless to ask that question because nothing has been right all along. A simple story made complicated by romanticism, idealism and false hopes, not to mention stupidity. The world is laughing now at this story and we can all agree where the joke is.

Sun 2 Sep 2012
9:53:54 AM
Sent from my BlackBerry� wireless handheld


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