Cease or Be Deceased

What's the greatest life lesson you've learned so far? They say that we always learn something new everyday, or atleast we try to. Some lessons come from great experiences, some were learned just by watching others as they screw up, but regardless the method, I guess it's in our genes to always aim for knowledge. There's this one life lesson that I've learned a little while back but one thing I can't seem to apply to myself - the lesson of knowing when to stop.

I don't know how things have gone this far between us, all I can say is I really never saw this coming. Being with her is both the nicest and the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I never wanted anything but to spend time with her, hold her in my arms, share dreams with her in any way possible. I love her, and I love her in a way I haven't loved anyone else before. I love her so much that it hurts to realize that it's wrong to push it. They say emotions are amoral so it's neither right nor wrong, but what you do with it must adhere with the general concept of what's proper and what's not. I guess it's safe to say that living out my feelings for her was never a right thing to begin with.

I should've stopped this madness long time ago but all the romanticism prevented me from doing so. I was blinded by my false hopes, bewildered by my dreams that maybe one day tables will turn and things will go my way. I was gravely mistaken.

Lessons are there not only to be learned, but more importantly to be used in real life situations. Learn from the lessons you failed to put into use.

Tue, Aug 27, 2013
Sent from my wireless handheld


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