HBDTM: 7 Minutes of Guilty Pleasure

July 28, 2011 - yes, I'm marking my 26th year of existence. Apart from it being listed on my birth certificate, I don't really celebrate this day that much. I appreciate though the first couple of greetings I got from Diahann, Aya and Celene, but then at around 7:20am, I received an IM from Muffin that says, "OMG! I almost forgot, happy birthday, Dave!" I don't know but I suddenly felt different, I felt unusual. I was happy. Following that was a guilty pleasure in form of a phone call. How come she's so surprised on me returning her message in form of a phone call? Maybe because she's somewhere too far. It only lasted for about 7 minutes but it was the best 7 minutes of my day so far. I miss hearing her voice and the sound of her laughter. It was really nice and there's nothing more I'll need today. This day is different from the others for today I feel unusually happy. Happy birthday to me then, I feel awesome!


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