Can't Be Helped

I find it funny when people say that happiness is a choice. Sure we can all be stupid...sorry, I mean optimistic like that at all times. We can all believe in the goodness of life and all the people around it. We can choose to believe that whatever it is that we're going through, in the end of the day, there's still a happy ending waiting for all of us. Sure, we can all do that, but don't tell that to those who are suffering beyond their threshold. Don't tell those who gets lulled to sleep by the sound of their hearts as it break into pieces. Don't tell that to those people whose suffering and sadness is beyond what we can fathom for one's suffering will always be far from others comprehension. Sometimes, for some people, happiness is never a choice. They can't just choose to be happy for their miseries are way too deep. They can't just choose to change things because their own hell hole is far deeper than what we can imagine. Sometimes, it just can't be helped.

Mon, Jul 9, 2012
12:32:04 PM
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld


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