The Knowledge Of Knowing When To Stop

I remember when I was in college, I wrote something that says, "True masters know when to concede." It has been several years yet I seemed not to know how to live the virtue of those words. All of us have faced a losing battle atleast once in our lives, and one of the smartest thing to know during those times is the strength to admit that you have to stop. One must admit to himself that everything is over for him to have a new start. While these words are simple, still most of us can't seem to comprehend. It's a shame to confess this but I'm one of them. How come the knowledge of knowing when to stop appears to be so elusive? I don't know, all I know is I'm pretty cracked up right now.

Fri, Apr 13, 2012
4:54:58 PM

Sent via BlackBerry® wireless handheld


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