There Will Always Be Pain and Sadness

I woke up this morning and read some messages I missed while I'm in deep sleep. I then asked myself, what on earth had happen to my life? I ponder on how things have been, how things are doing now and how will things be. After that, I came up with one assessment - there will always be pain and sadness. Looking at the situation, I can tell that the remedy for this misery that I feel is far from being attainable. The odds of having the tables turn is indeed very low. There's just no way that this sadness will be washed away any time soon. Hence, I'll have to live with the fact that there won't be any way to ease this hellish feeling that I have deep inside of me. I'll just have to learn how to put up my gameface and manage to get by each day. Yes, there will always be sadness and pain.

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