Answering The Call

It's been a little while since I last sat in front of a computer and blog my heart off my sleeves, LOL.
So where to begin?  See, in the past couple of months I've been trying to avoid the mental activity of thinking. Whenever a thought crosses my mind, I drift away. Some people, to escape reality, eat a lot, some listen to loud music; as to me, I do both, haha!
But today is a different day, I'm answering the call of thinking and I'm starting with the seemingly most overrated topic *drum roll* LOVE.
Oh love is such a beautiful emotion a human can ever feel, yet sometimes loving someone so much can lead to most unimaginable pain. Don't burp, I know that's a way too mushy, hahaha!
I guess it's safe to say that I'm in-love with someone. When a friend asks me, "Why can't you just let her go? Staying in-love with her ain't doing you any good," I must admit, I wasn't able to say anything to defend myself. Yeah, I was caught off guard that time so I just did the wisest thing i.e. to keep my mouth shut. The question bugged me a little yet I managed to drift away, but now I asked myself, why really can't I let her go?
I guess that's just how love works, you fall for someone without forcing yourself to do so, and as a result, you won't be able to force yourself to fall out of it.
And so here I am, stuck in a love I don't know where I will be lead to, haha!
I'm starving, I guess I should stop now, LOL


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