Rest In Peace

The death of my highschool friend made me think more than how I've been thinking about life lately. Life is kind of unfair. There are those who die young yet they have a good life ahead of them, and there are those who live long when all they do is just to consume oxygen in our atmosphere and cause other pollution. It's really odd to think how fate played tricks on each human existence, i.e. if there is really such thing as fate. I don't know, he's not that of close friend but he's my classmate when we were freshmen and to think that PUPLHS is just a small scholl, 3 sections per year level, all of us know each other and have been friends in one way or another. I think I'm feeling sad right now. Sadness has been part of me lately and now the thought of untimely death elevates it to a new height.

I just hope you'll rest in peace, Jayson Omamalin. I would love to believe that after life, there's that place where pain and suffering don't exist.


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