Go Back Dreaming

It happened only once. I had one, and just one, golden opportunity to lay eyes on her-she whom I’ve been dying to see all along. One year and seven months, I waited that long to realize that single dream of standing next to her and when I finally did more than a week ago, I must admit that I almost lost my sanity(what’s new? Hehehe!) What’s next? What lies ahead after that “Most Wonderful Five Minutes”? I don’t know actually. I’m not sure if I’ll ever see her again or at least have the guts to work for it. I don’t even know if she was able to read my post “Most Wonderful Five Minutes”, and if she did, I don’t know what she thinks of me now. Most times I feel like holding back especially when it comes to my emotions. I can tell that life will be such a wonderful thing if I’ll get the chance to live it with her ‘cause I’ve seen several scenarios of that in my dreams, I just don’t know if it it’s possible to shoot those dreams from dreamland onto the real world. It’s been few days since we last talked and perhaps I can now go and to what I do best-dreaming.


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