Marsh Corps And The Judgmental Morons

As she walk I can see People smiling at her So unaware that those grin are fake She have much love to give So much kindness to share But so little to take People claim they know her But they do otherwise They only see what they wanna see They stab her back Lied straight to her face Put her down constantly They stick trashes on her name Left her with all the blame For whoever she became today But they don’t know her Nor the things she’ve been through And what drove her to be this way Never they’ll understand Never they even care To see what is really inside her Less than a little Is what they only know About the emotions she bear The ones she cared for The ones she trust Are also the ones who put her down After the pleasure After having what they want They just pushed her around Those people are morons Nothing but stupid idiots They good in judging people so fast They think of themselves As more than who they are Pretending unblemished with their masks “HYPOCRITE! FIRST REMOVE THE PLANK OF YOUR OWN EYE AND THEN YOU WILL SEE CLEARLY TO REMOVE SPECK FROM YOUR BROTHER’S EYE”


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