Appeal To Heaven

Your hands used to carry me When I was a little child You used to pamper me With your touch so mild You used to be my guide When I’m learning how to walk You correct my words When I’m learning how to talk You never failed to make me happy You tickle me with your fingers Your warm embrace comforts me When I’m chilled with fever We used to play all day And cook our foods together From you I never wanted to be away So you vow to stay forever I used to sleep over your belly When I’m frightened by thunderstorms I used to massage you when you’re weary Soon as you got home We really had a good time And lots of happy memories I wish I could travel back in time And once more hear your stories I want to spend Another night over your belly I wish God would lend Some of his power to me The food I cooked now Is never good as before I am away from you So what now I am living for Why did you have to leave me So alone and dead helpless At your side I want to be For now I feel so helpless Our happy days together Were so far away Now that I’m chilling with fever Who’s to comfort me today I miss you badly Dad Wish I could be with you tonight I really feel so sad Please take me to your side Lord with all my heart I pray Please take me to my Dad For now I can no longer last a day With this feeling so bad A life so empty Is what I am living Lord please take me Make my heart stop beating I wish I’ll never wake up As I close my eyes tonight For I’ve already given up I hope this is the last song I’ll write


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